Mission and Values

Mineros employee engaging with members of the community.


Mineros S.A. is a company focused on mining gold and precious metals. Our goal is to create maximum value for our shareholders by expanding our mining operations. We achieve this through an outstanding Comprehensive Management System and a strong commitment to corporate social responsibility.



We are transparent, we tell the truth, and we do what is right.
  • We adhere to ethical principles, respect authorities, and comply with regulations.
  • We are consistent in what we think, say and do.
  • We build trust by consistently fulfilling our commitments.


We are genuine, we recognize our mistakes and we learn from them in order to keep growing.
  • We are authentic, without pretensions or arrogance.
  • We learn from each other and help others to improve.
  • We listen to others and are open-minded to new ways of doing things.


We understand the value of cultural diversity and different ways of thinking.
  • We appreciate diversity and the autonomy of individuals and communities.
  • We advocate for human rights and foster environments that support healthy coexistence.
  • We build relationships based on trust and respect.


We act for the well-being of the Company, our stakeholders and the environment.
  • We prioritize collective benefits over personal interests.
  • We work in collaboration to achieve common goals and results.
  • We help and support those who need us. We strive to be useful and to serve others.


We take responsibility for our actions.
  • We act consciously, assessing the effect of our behaviour and decisions.
  • We understand that self-care and keeping a safe workplace are key in day-to-day activities.
  • We engage in environmental practices that ensure the sustainability of natural resources.
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