
Young students playing instruments in a music room.
The Fundación de Mineros S.A. was established in 2010 during the administration of Beatriz Uribe Restrepo. Its primary purpose is to promote social, political, and economic development in the regions of the country where it carries out mining operations.

The foundation achieves this by engaging in activities related to health, sports, education, culture, scientific and technological research, ecological research, environmental protection, and social development programs. It also engages in any other legal activities that contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of the populations in these areas. These activities are always in the general interest and accessible to the communities in which the Foundation operates.
Business Name
La Fundación de Mineros S.A.
Tax ID: 900364727-2
Medellín, Colombia
Cra 43 A No 14-109. Ed. NovaTempo, Piso 6.
Tel: (+57) 604 266 57 57
Tel: (+57) 574 266 57 57

Organization Chart

All directors perform their duties on a non-remunerative basis.

2023 Results

COP 2,291M
Investment year 2023
COP 6,426M
Leveraging of resources in cash and in kind through alliances
Alliances in progress
16,525 people
Beneficiaries and participants of the Foundation’s programs

Main initiatives and alliances developed in 2023:

Instructor is leading students of an active rural school in physical activity.

Active Rural School - ERA

In partnership with 15 other institutions, the Government of Antioquia and operated by the Secretos para Contar Foundation, the program focuses on transforming rural education through the implementation of innovative teaching-learning methodologies applied to the rural context. In 2023, 100 educational centers were strengthened, benefiting 4,000 students and 100 teachers.

Líderes de Oro Scholarships - Universidad de Antioquia

31 young undergraduate students of the Universidad de Antioquia from low-income families in the municipalities of El Bagre, Nechí, Zaragoza and Caucasia, were awarded with an economic incentive to cover expenses and improve their quality of life during the academic period, preventing students from abandoning their studies due to economic hardship.
Four young boys taking a break from playing soccer.
Student and instructor playing trumpet and trombone.

Agreement with IBERACADEMY

Support to children and young people of the Symphonic Band through workshops and educational activities. They performed the Christmas concert, which was attended by close to 700 people in the municipality of El Bagre.

Corantioquia Eco-schools

The Eco-Schools seek to strengthen environmental processes in schools, benefiting 1,051 students, who help to increase resilience in the territories and form groups under the Guardians of Nature initiative.
Eco-school staff members talking with Mineros employee.
Two women from the local community.

Alianza Mujeres de Oro - USAID and Jaime Arteaga & Asociados

This program ended in 2023, in alliance with USAID and the firm Jaime Arteaga & Asociados as operator, and aimed to contribute to the empowerment of women in mining activities and to advance gender equality in the municipalities of El Bagre, Zaragoza and Nechí, developing actions in the political, economic and cultural spheres. With 100% compliance with the established work plan, the Alliance assisted eight women’s associations to obtain contracts to produce plant material for Mineros Aluvial’s reclamation activities and compensation obligations, and to adapt a mall in the municipality of El Bagre that will benefit 13 female entrepreneurs.

Alianza Colombia Sostenible– Fondo Colombia en Paz IDB ASOAGROLLANA

This project seeks to technically and financially strengthen 206 families engaged in fish farming in the Bajo Cauca Antioqueño region with the Asoagrollana Association. The start-up of the fish farm in the municipality of El Bagre-Antioquia is the result of joint work between the Asoagrollana Association, the Mineros Foundation and the Colombia in Peace Fund, through the Sustainable Colombia Program.
Fish farming site.
Beekeepers inspecting bee hives.

Alianza Colombia sostenible – Fondo Colombia en Paz BID- ASAPIBAS

The project seeks to strengthen the productive, environmental and commercial capacities of 87 small beekeepers in the Bajo Cauca Antioqueño subregion. In 2023, beekeeping supplies (complete hives, protection equipment, harvesting kits, wax sheets, stamping machines, sugar, promocalier), equipment, tools and supplies were delivered for the reforestation of 65 hectares with 45,500 seedlings of melliferous interest.
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