Sustainability – Overview

At Mineros, we operate with honesty, respect, responsibility, humility, and solidarity.
Animal rehabilitation worker inspecting health of baby porcupine.
Just as the dandelion spreads its seeds to fill mountains at great distances with life, we are committed to sowing strength, consistency, and vision that drives progress and development. We aim to restore fertile and productive lands, ensuring the well-being of current and future generations and benefiting the communities and the environment in which we operate.

We are constantly improving our processes while maintaining high sustainability standards, ensuring safe environments for our employees, and being responsible to nature and society.
Each of us is driven by the same purpose: to leave the world better for our colleagues, families, and communities.

Positive Transformation: Sustainability Highlights

Park in local community.

Social Management

  • In 2023, we allocated over USD 3 million to initiatives supporting local communities.
  • We maintained our social license across all operations, with an approval rate of 85%.
Sloth climbing a tree.

Environmental Management

  • We are dedicated to preserving biodiversity, using natural resources responsibly, minimizing impacts, and embracing the circular economy.
  • Our operation in Nicaragua encompasses approximately 1,600 hectares for conservation. In 2022, Mineros Colombia entered into 29 conservation agreements.
Hydroelectric power plant.

Climate Management

  • In 2023, 66% of the energy consumed in our operations came from renewable sources generated by our hydroelectric plants.
Employee smiling in front of operation site.

Economic Development

  • In 2023, 78% of our employees were recruited from local communities, meaning that three out of four employees have ties to the region where we operate.

Our Corporate Sustainability Policy

Our Corporate Sustainability Policy sets the guidelines for Mineros to conduct its business in a sustainable, safe, and environmentally friendly manner. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of social responsibility, respecting human rights, and engaging with our stakeholders.

Members of senior management acting in their various functions report to the Board of Directors and its committees on the status of social, environmental and climate risks relevant to the Company, and the progress of strategies that comply with the Policy.

Fundamentals that make up the corporate policy:

Development Policy

This policy provides guidelines for complying with the company’s commitment to responsible mining and sustainable development in the communities where it operates.

Environmental Policy

This policy provides guidelines for responsible environmental management and protection.

OH&S Policy

This policy provides guidelines to ensure the company’s commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for its employees.

Engagement Policy

This policy outlines the company’s approach to creating shared value through stakeholder engagement.
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of social responsibility.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our alignment as an organization with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) supports our management in advancing our commitment to making a mining company responsible for the well-being of all. These are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that guide all areas and processes of our management.
Sustainable Development Goal – 1. No PovertySustainable Development Goal – 2. Zero HungerSustainable Development Goal – 3. Good Health and Well-BeingSustainable Development Goal – 4. Quality EducationSustainable Development Goal – 5. Gender EqualitySustainable Development Goal – 6. Clean Water and Sanitation.Sustainable Development Goal – 7. Affordable and Clean Energy.Sustainable Development Goal – 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth. Sustainable Development Goal – 10. Reduced Inequalities. Sustainable Development Goal – 12. Responsible Consumption.Sustainable Development Goal – 13. Climate Action.Sustainable Development Goal – 14. Life Below Water.Sustainable Development Goal – 15. Life on Land.Sustainable Development Goal – 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Our sustainability strategy is guided by our corporate values and our purpose – well-being for all.

Our Sustainability Strategy

Our strategy is guided by our corporate values and our purpose – well-being for all. We aim to achieve our vision by positively transforming communities and people in an inclusive, sustainable, and forward-looking manner through four commitments:

1. We are a benchmark for responsible mining.

Corporate sustainability management is strategic and integrated into our business model. We want to demonstrate that responsible mining generates value for all our stakeholders and society in general.

2. We innovate and manage for the long term.

From planning we visualize the permanence in the territory and the legacy we leave as a central element. Therefore, our programs, risk management systems and goals are rigorous and seek to incorporate innovation in all our processes.

3. We strengthen our bonds of trust with stakeholders.

Our management is participatory and includes all stakeholders. This relationship encompasses information, communication, consultation and interaction processes that allow us to strengthen our social license to operate.

4. We extend our sustainable vision to the entire value chain.

We work together with clients, suppliers and artisanal and formalized miners to raise sustainability management to the highest standards in the sector to contribute to its evolution.

Strategic Axes

Social Management

We strengthen the relationship mechanisms with our stakeholders and enable high-impact social investments for the communities.

Environmental Management

We reduce, manage and compensate the impacts of our operations on the environment.

Climate Management

We fulfill our commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage climate change risks throughout our value chain.

Sustainable Development

We promote local economic development directly influenced by our mining activity, and we are committed to extending responsible sourcing standards to suppliers and artisanal and formalized miners.

Human Rights

We guarantee the existence and application of mechanisms for the protection, respect and remediation of human rights for all our stakeholders.

Occupational Health and Safety

Our Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management systems follow the highest standards and ensure our commitment to ensuring that we all go home safe and healthy.

Our Management Approach

We implement our strategy and manage our environmental, social and climate risks daily through five elements:


Formalizes and preserves the governance model for environmental, social and climate issues.

Strategy and Objectives

Defines the corporate sustainability strategy and the roadmaps for its compliance in business.

Risk Management

Establishes and maintains risk management systems for ESG and climate issues according to Mineros’ ERM.


Discloses metrics under the frameworks, indices and commitments relevant for the company and its stakeholders.

Communication and Culture

Creates a culture of sustainability in all its material topics through communication and training.
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