Analyst Coverage

Stockpile of ore from artisanal mines.
Some analysts may make investment recommendations or establish a target price on Mineros' stock. All opinions, estimations, and forecasts are performed by the analysts independently.

For more information, please contact the analyst directly.


Sprott Capital Partners
Justin Chan

Tel: (+44) 7554 784 688
Davivienda Corredores
Katherine Ortiz S.

Tel : (+57) 601 312 3300
Ext. 92134
Julián Ausique Chacón

Tel: (+57) 601 312 3300 Ext. 92473
Casa de Bolsa
Omar J. Suárez T.

Tel: (+57) 601 606 2100
Ext. 22619
Acciones Y Valores
Jahnisi A. Cáceres G.

Tel: (+57) 601 390 7400 
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