Health and Safety

Nurse examining a patient.
Mineros reaffirms its commitment to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in which all people working in our facilities behave in a responsible and safe manner. Thus, the Company is committed to achieving high Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) standards by implementing all policies, procedures and standards and continuously improving management systems, setting targets and monitoring performance. Our material operations are ISO 45001 certified (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems).

Work-related Injuries

The following table presents the safety statistics for the year ended December 31, 2024, and the comparative period in 2023.
Health and Safety KPIsYear Ended December 31
Nechí Alluvial Property (Colombia)
Hemco Property (Nicaragua)
Mineros (Weighted Average)
  • Lost time injury frequency rate (“LTIFR”), which refers to the number of lost time injuries that occurred during the reporting period.
  • Total recordable incident frequency rate (“TRIFR”) combines all of the recorded fatalities, lost time injuries, cases or alternate work and other injuries requiring medical treatment by a medical professional.
The Company’s operations have an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSST) aimed at identifying and managing occupational hazards and risks, through the empowerment, dissemination and implementation of strategies, practices and standards that ensure working conditions, prevent injuries and avoid illnesses of people, ensuring and maintaining safe operating conditions.

“Add Prevention, Subtract Risk”: Safety Culture at Mineros Colombia

The SUPER (Suma Prevención, Resta Riesgo) program is aimed at containing risks to reduce the accident rate by intervening in unsafe situations, unsafe behavior and positively reinforcing safe behavior, creating a culture of prevention. This is achieved thanks to the support of a group of motivated, trained and committed leaders, process owners and safety managers, with the ability to guide and support Mineros Aluvial S.A.S. employees. The accompaniment is strengthened in two ways, starting with the “Top - Bottom” Leadership Support and the “Bottom - Top” Operation Empowerment.
Worker operating machinery.


Training and education processes are carried out by the talent management areas of each operation. For this purpose, OHS builds a matrix as input for training needs in accordance with legal requirements and characterization of occupational accidents during the year for subsequent implementation.
In general, each contractor has its training plan, and Mineros reviews and follows up on compliance through different monthly reports, where attendance lists are validated. In addition, the company involves all our contractors in different training and campaigns, among other things.
Miners in training.

Promotion of Health

In accordance with the OHS legislation in force in Colombia, all our employees and contractors must be affiliated to the general labor risk system. Mineros performs monthly follow-ups, and additionally has health professionals at the different workstations for timely attention in case it is required. Additionally, for employees, Mineros Colombia provides benefits for personnel for an optimal provision of health services.
Mineros Nicaragua has a medical clinic that offers services to workers and their beneficiaries, which provides general consultation services and specialties. The clinic has a 24/7 emergency care service and can provide medical emergency services to contractors from illnesses or accidents in the workplace. For the provision of other health services, contractors must report to their provisional clinic of the Nicaraguan Social Security Institute (INSS).
On a voluntary basis, Mineros also offers voluntary health promotion programs for its employees, vaccination days, prevention campaigns, among others.
Health practitioner assessing a patient.
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