
Corporate Focus

Download our sustainability reports

Positive transformation

Social management
  • In 2023, we allocated over USD 3 million to initiatives supporting local communities.
  • We kept our social license across all operations, with an approval rate of 85%.
Environmental management
  • We are committed to biodiversity preservation, using natural resources responsibly, mitigating environmental impacts, and adopting a circular economy approach in our processes.
  • Our operation in Nicaragua has about 1,600 hectares of its own for conservation. In 2022, Mineros Colombia signed 29 conservation agreements.
Climate management
  • In 2023, 66% came from renewable sources generated by our hydroelectric plants.
Sustainable development
  • In 2023, 78% of our employees came from local communities. That is, 3 out of 4 employees have a link to the region where we operate.

Our corporate sustainability policy

  • Our Corporate Sustainability Policy establishes the guidelines according to which Mineros will conduct its business in a sustainable, safe, and environmentally friendly manner, with the highest standards of social responsibility and respect for human rights, as well as the manner in which the company engages with its stakeholders.
  • Members of senior management acting in their various functions report to the Board of Directors and its support committees on the status of social, environmental and climate risks relevant to the Company, and the progress of strategies that comply with the Policy.
Fundamentals that make up the corporate policy:
Sustainable Development

Provides guidelines to comply with the company's commitment to responsible mining and sustainable development in the communities in which it operates.

Environmental Policy:

Provides guidelines for good management for environmental protection.

OH&S Policy:

Provides guidelines to meet the company's commitment to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

Stakeholder Engagement Policy:

It provides the guidelines with which the company seeks to create shared value through its stakeholder engagement approach.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our alignment as an organization with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) supports our management to advance our commitment to making a mining company responsible for the well-being of all. These are the SDGs with which we align from all areas and processes of our management.


Our sustainability strategy

Our strategy is the roadmap that translates the vision and sustainability policy into concrete results and actions in all our geographies. It is also guided by corporate values and our purpose:

We embody world-class standards for responsible mining:

Our sustainability management approach is of a strategic nature and is integrated into our business model. We want to demonstrate that responsible mining creates value for all our stakeholders and society in general.

We innovate and manage for the long term:

We plan by considering our permanence in the territory and the legacy we leave. For this reason, our programs, risk management systems and goals are rigorous and seek to incorporate innovation in all our processes.

We strengthen our bonds of trust with our stakeholders:

Our management approach is participatory and includes all stakeholders. This relationship encompasses information, communication, consultation and interaction processes that allow us to strengthen our social license to operate.

We extend our sustainable vision to the entire value chain:

We work together with clients, suppliers, and artisanal and formal miners to raise sustainability management to the highest industry standards, in order to contribute to its evolution.

Strategic axes:
Social management

It covers the strengthening of relationship mechanisms with our stakeholders and high-impact social investment lines for communities.

Environmental management

It covers the abatement, mitigation and compensation of impacts to water, air, soil and ecosystems caused by our operation.

Climate management

It covers our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage climate change risks throughout our value chain.

Sustainable development

It includes actions regarding local economic development (employability, supply) directly influenced by our mining activity, and our commitments to extend responsible supply standards to artisanal and formalized suppliers and miners.

Human rights

It includes the mechanisms for the protection, respect and remediation of Human Rights for all our interest groups.

Occupational Health and Safety

It guarantees the alignment of the OH&S management systems of local processes with the standards of mining activity and the strengthening of differentiating practices that allow us all to remain safe and healthy in the performance of our work.

Our management approach

We implement our strategy and manage our environmental, social and climate risks and on a daily basis through five elements:

El modelo de gestión de Sostenibilidad Corporativa se alinea con los componentes de la guía COSO para la gestión de riesgos y asuntos Ambientales, Sociales y de Gobierno (ASG). Las guías del COSO permiten el establecimiento de un sistema efectivo de control interno y la integración de los asuntos ASG en la gestión de riesgos empresariales, lo que permite la solidez de los sistemas de gestión y de la información revelada al mercado.