Our commitment is to ensure the care of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources.
As well as fully complying with the legal obligations to carry out mining operations, we focus on contributing to the strengthening and maintenance of the supply of environmental services, carrying out actions that strengthen the environmental integrity of the region.
Throughout the cycle of the mining project (exploration, mining, closure and post-closure), we shall ensure the improvement of the social, environmental and economic conditions of the people who live in the mining operations’ areas of influence.
Minimize the environmental impact of processes related to the use of water, soil and energy resources
Prevent, mitigate, correct and offset the environmental impacts on the population and ecosystems
Restore the intervened habitats and address any environmental liabilities through rural development actions in areas affected by mining
Strengthen local environmental management
Develop and implement risk management strategies to manage and mitigate the environmental impact of mining operations
Prevent and minimize the generation of contaminant loads
Foster the use of technological innovations with lower environmental impact
Promote the participation of the local community in the use, conservation and protection of natural resources
Adequately close mining operations
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