

Sustainability Reports

The Pillars of Sustainability

The pillars that support sustainability aligned with the SDGs are:

  • Corporate social responsibility

  • Responsible use and preservation of natural resources.

Social Responsibility

We are committed to contribute to the social development of local communities and society as a whole, with the aim of adding to well-being and to the improvement of quality of life, offering new opportunities to generate income and employment, and the improvement of basic utility services.

The scope of work regarding social management is associated with the following sustainable development goals:

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Use and preservation of natural resources

We want to cnotribute to strengthening and maintaining ecosystem services by deploying actions that improve environmental integrity. We fully comply with legal requirements and make sure we improve environmental conditions for our stakeholders throughout the life of the mine (during exploration, exploitation, production, closure and post-closure).

  • Responsible use of natural resources

  • Conservation and care of biodiversity

Articulation With the Sustainability Objectives SDGs

The scope of action regarding environmental management is associated with the following development goals:

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We encourage development in the regions where we operate and we contribute to the organization of society to promote the generation of collective wealth, social inclusion and the consolidation of democracy. To do this, we strive to work in an interactive process that is organized, planned and agreed with the natural protagonists (society and government), so that they sustainably use the local resources that generate wealth, opportunities and social well-being.

We interact with the local participants (society and government), aiming to collaborate without interfering, providing support without taking the place of the state in its duties and without paternalism, as well as fostering actions that benefit the community in general.

Open and respectful dialog is an essential principle in our stakeholder engagement. We are convinced that through this means, we can build the best form of engagement with our stakeholders and understand what others expect from us and what we expect from others.

We take on the commitment to maintain excellent relations with our stakeholders by providing timely information on our performance and results. This motivates us to be better, which is our essential purpose.

Public of interest

In order to be a company committed to ethical and transparent behavior, we have different tools for dialog and communication with our stakeholders.

Every two years, we consult our stakeholders with the support of an external, independent organization. This survey aims to promote participation, obtain feedback on the perception of our sustainability management and find opportunities to constantly improve in our goal to strengthen relations.

We provide a summary of the Survey below:

Social Intervention Model

Upon first arriving in any place, we focus on getting to know and analyzing the population’s socioeconomic conditions. This is the starting point so that in the future, we can interactively design social intervention programs with the communities and the state in line with our policies and according to local needs.

So that the communities have a better quality of life during and after the mining operations, we base our practices on compliance with our principles of action:

  • Respect for the law.

  • Development of exploration and production activities while maintaining a healthy environment.

  • Transparent action.

  • Respect for society’s cultural diversity, values and autonomy.

  • Ongoing communication and relations with the population and institutions in the area.

  • Not replacing the duties of the state or citizens.

  • Commitment to sustainability.

  • Respect for agreements made.

  • Support for the sustainable development of communities located in the areas of influence.

We believe that environmentally and socially responsible mining is the way to achieve positive results for local communities. We remain committed to generating employment, driving local economic activity, and through our operations, providing resources that benefit the region and the country, helping to improve their quality of life.

We carry out our activities based on interactive processes agreed and coordinated with governments, communities and other participants in development, aiming to sustainably use local resources so that they generate opportunities and wealth, greater social wellbeing, and better regional management.

We have four lines of social intervention, which we implement in any place where the Company operates: Local Governance, Environment, Social Development and Economic Development, and different subcomponents that help us to focus social investment.

Spheres of Intervention

Local Governance

  • Strengthen the management of public administrations.

  • Promote social and community participation and organization.

  • Encourage citizen security and coexistence.

  • Promote respect and protection of human rights.

  • We aim to support the strengthening of public administration and management and promote citizen participation and social organization in the political, economic, and social management of local development.


  • Promote rational use of natural resources.

  • Strengthen municipal environmental management and rural development in areas that deteriorated by mining.

  • Carry out environmental education processes in areas of influence.

  • Promote the implementation of basic sanitation, drinking water, adequate waste management, and citizen awareness programs.

Social Development

  • Help to improve communities’ quality of life by improving:

    • Public health.

    • Quality of education.

    • Access to recreation and cultural areas.

  • Support coordination with the relevant authorities to legalize ownership of land for communities in the areas of influence.

  • The aim is to help meet the basic needs of the population in the areas of health; public health; quality of drinking water; disposal and treatment of wastewater; adequate management of solid waste; quality education; social infrastructure; and promotion of the gender approach.

Economic Development

  • Support new enterprise opportunities and initiatives that permit the diversification of economic activities.

  • Generate local employment in the mining projects’ areas of influence.

  • Support rural production and mining formalization processes in areas where this is feasible.

  • Drive the local economy through the provision of services and supplies to the Company and its contractors.

  • With the aim of strengthening the local and regional economy.

Standards and Initiatives we Adhere to

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Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Implement the United Nations framework to protect, respect and remedy”

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Colombian Network against Child Labor

We joined the “Colombian Network against Child Labor” in 2014, which was created by the Colombian Ministry of Labor, Global Compact, the International Labor Organization (ILO), and 22 important companies that subscribed to the commitments that the network established to ensure comprehensive development of Colombia’s children

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Self-Regulation Commitments

As one of the participating companies in the Colombian Mining Association (ACM, for the Spanish original), since 2013, we have participated in this initiative that assesses the level of implementation and compliance in spheres such as Human Rights, Ethics and Transparency, Community Relations and Socioeconomic Advocacy, Environmental Management, and Industrial Safety and Occupational Health. Every year, with the support of an external body, we conduct a verification audit on our compliance and, consequently, our level of implementation.