
285 Turtles of an Endangered Species and 50,000 Fingerlings were Released by Mineros

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A total of 285 turtles of an endangered species and50,000 fingerlings were released by Mineros with the support of localauthorities and the community of Bajo Cauca in Antioquia, the area of influenceof our operation in Colombia.

In this same region, between 2012 and 2024, morethan 26,000 river turtles and more than 4,300 hicoteas (a species of turtle) thatis also threatened by trafficking and illegal hunting, have been released.Likewise, 3.4 million bocachico (a species of fish) have been repopulatedbetween 2020 and 2024, and more than 9,000 striped catfish in the last two years.

Actions such as these reflect our commitment toprotecting the fauna and flora in the areas where we operate, generatingwell-being for all.

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